Monday, July 4, 2011

Katie Running Bases

After the game (which the Hillcats won, I had forgotten to mention) the kids got to go run the bases.

Here's Katie, looking a bit like a Pink Flamingo. Laura stayed behind to catch her sister on film.

Lynchburg Hillcats

Becky stayed home from the minor league game so she could train horses. I stayed with her and got a little, but not nearly as much as I should have, done around the house.
Laura took pictures and videos of the night's festivities for us.
Katie's favorite part of minor league games is South Paw, the mascot.
I am mascot phobic, so it's good that I had to stay home.

Hotel Rendevouz

Here is a photo montage of our meeting last week in Orange.
Dan got a job teaching flying up at our old neighborhood, so no more living in Africa most of the month for him. Now we have a new dilemma, living in Leesburg most of the month for him, while the females of the family live down here.
Free hotel rooms are a perk from Dan's years of living in hotels. We meet about once a week to enjoy the hotel pool, oops, I mean Daddy's company.