Friday, January 31, 2014

Reduce. Recycle. Reuse.

I saw Becky setting up some targets, including this morning's K-cup, and warned her that ammo is expensive so don't waste it.
This is her one and only shot from over 25 yards.
No wasting.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Witness Relocation

The evil possum came around murdering a rooster one night and a hen the next.
He broke into the upper hen house both nights and dragged them out with necks broken.
All of the red hens used to spend the night in said coop, but after the crime wave started, the surviving hens wisely chose to move in with Joe Houndog in his dog house on the front porch.
I was too slow to catch her in the photo, but here is a benefit of the hens' fear of open spaces. Easy egg collection.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Frigid Arctic Blasts

I couldn't blog for a while because Laura was signed into Google with her email address. I was finally in the room with her and asked her to help, and she easily enlarged the window, signed out, and signed me in.
I wish I were a teen.

Here are pictures representing the cold weather.
Clyde cleaning confusing snowflakes off of his fur.
A Cardinal, by Katie.
My neighbor delivered round bales and made my winter easier.
Frozen solid water trough.
Running water in above freezing weather!

And tonight it's back to negative numbers for wind chill temperatures.