Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Sympathy Tent and Other Random Photos

The most recent game at Providence Farm has been "Native Americans." So naturally my brood set up tepees on the hillside out in the field.
The Dexters have been pretending to be American Bison, and the paint ponies are the perfect horses for an Indian village.
Our excellent neighbors took pity on the children after witnessing the tepees, and donated this popular backpacking tent. And also the backpacks to go along with it.
I just liked the picture of Katie and stuck it in here.

The Big One

Come and get me, Fat Suburbanite Dad!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Better than Rubies

Today was generally a taxing and aggravating day for me. I knew it would be since I knew I would be calling our curriculum provider for tech support. I would rather speak in public than set up a hard drive on a new computer.
But after a distressing morning, I headed out to look at these gorgeous creatures.
After looking, I spent my husband's savings on them. Surely they'll be worth more than any old retirement account.
The top girl's name is Ruby, the bottom red cow is Rosie, and the bull in the bottom photo is Meathead.
They're Scottish Highland cattle.
The whole herd captured my heart as soon as I saw them. I can't wait to get to know them well, so I can compare them to the Dexters.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hard Freeze

This morning we woke to a white winter wonderland on the farm!
For the first time this season, the hose was frozen and all the buckets hard with ice.
Last night the stars were so close and bright I felt like I had just to reach up to grab one.
With the crisp smell of fall and frost in the air, there's an excitement in all of us, animals and humans. The big mare was rearing like a steed this morning. Deer are active. And dogs and humans are exploring the woods like never before.
It would be nice if someone would do some work on these overgrown and unkempt trails however.
Since the words "hard freeze" and "Mollie" do not go together in the early morning hours, Laura photographed our nature scenes for you.

Goodbye, Leaves

My little brother told me the hard freeze would be the death knell of the fall foliage. Here is proof that he is smart.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Pretty Pics

The Horse Whisperer


I've been looking for a milk goat for months. The ram bred all of my milkers and they haven't been able to kid since he's been with them, so I've been out of milk.
Yes, I do have beautiful Dexter cows who are fresh, and I could milk them. But I just never got used to cows as dairy animals and it's hard for me to make the transition.
I visited a good friend today who milks Dexters but never did get the hang of dairy goats. She needed to get Tilly's big grown up Boer kids off of her because as you see, they were tearing her health down. Emma explained that she just doesn't think of goats as animals to milk.
So I got Tilly for $20. I also got a place to buy 2 gallons of Dexter milk each week.