Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Gray Day Hodgepodge

Katie took the camera outside to get some farm pics.

JoJo obliged her for a portrait of a silly pony.

Laura's hens are laying now. Here is a photo by Laura of today's egg collection.

The calf and Tom are best friends.
Tom sleeps curled up on him at night in his hay stall on our front porch, but I can't photograph the adorableness of that because if I move or turn on a light, they jump up and run toward me.
I do have a nice collection of flash lit gray and tan blurs snuffling my lens.

I like Tom Kitten. He climbs trees and eats rodents. He also sleeps cutely on his own pillow next to Becky's head at night. Better yet, he sometimes clumsily falls into the crack between her bed and her wall. His meow for help is surprisingly quiet and feminine for such a hulking, manly kitten.

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